Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting downtown for College Kids

You want to go downtown, but everyone knows that if you're in school, you're probably broke (and you need that money for nights out and ironic shirts anyway).  A taxi?  Costs way too much.  Light rail?  Unless you're at UB or MICA, it really doesn't service you.  What you need to do is use the Baltimore Collegetown Shuttle.  If you're a student or faculty at any college in the metro area, you can use the shuttle.  The catch?  It only goes to Goucher, Towson, Morgan State, Loyola, Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins, MICA, and UB.

If you go to University of MD, Baltimore, you have another option as well.  The UM Shuttle can take between the university, the UMD Biopark, Federal Hill, and Mount Vernon.

See you downtown!