Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's a CSA?

Often enough when I mention our CSA, I get asked what it is and how it works.  CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture", but for us it usually means fresher fruits and veggies for less money.  The catch is that you pay the money up-front in the beginning of the year.  Then, as the growing season kicks off, you get weekly deliveries to a designated pickup point.  For my wife and I, we chose One Straw Farm.  We couldn't argue with a pickup only 3 blocks from our house.  In fact, they seem to have the best number of pickup points in the city overall.  For the 2012 season you pay $520 for a full share, or $270 for a half share.  Check out their website here...and here's a complete listing of fruits and veggies (and when to expect them)