Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Orioles Become Yankees This Week 109 Years Ago

In case you weren't aware before, the New York Yankees history is built on the team that was stolen from Baltimore in this week of 1903.  Established in the 1890's, the Baltimore Orioles won 3 straight pennants and won 3 out of 4 Temple Cup Championship Series (World Series of the day), while participating in all 4.  Despite their dominance in the game, Baltimore was sacrificed to the city of New York by a money-hungry owner (can you tell I'm bitter?).  Just imagine the prestige and success the club could have achieved during the 51 years that we had no team at all in the city.  Imagine the history that could have been...

Union Park.  Home to the Baltimore Orioles 1891-1899

Willie Keeler