Friday, February 24, 2012

The Red Line: Baltimore's Transportation Future

With mass transit ridership continuing to climb locally and nationwide, we must look to expand our options.  The metro already ranks #11 in ridership in the nation (despite the city being #21 in terms of population), so Baltimore's red line just makes sense.  The 14 mile long red line will be a sleeker, quieter version of the light rail line, with the exception that it will go underground downtown for a total of almost 4 miles.  This helps to avoid traffic (and subsequent delays) that the current light rail experiences.  The route will go east-west from Bayview on the east side at 95 and 895 to Security on the west side servicing 695.  This route will allow downtown workers to access the line easily from major roads to simplify commuting downtown.

Here's a map of the route (a larger, zoomable map can be found here):

Want to find out more information?  Check out the Red Line's official site here.

Want to get involved?  The Red Line Now PAC is working to solidify the future of the red line.  Check out their main webpage, or Facebook page.  They are throwing a fundraiser for only $10 at Bond Street Social in Fells Point on Tuesday, March 6th from 6-8PM.

Finally, for more renderings, check out the picture page.